There are three dimensions to every problem you face in life. 1. What you see 2. What you cannot see 3. What is yet to come It is hard to see all these three dimensions when the problem is still fresh. What you see is always unpleasant. It causes pain, frustration, and hopelessness. No one …

Every Problem you Face in Life has three dimensions: A Story of Hope for the UnemployedRead More »

Today, people continue to ask me: “Jini, how do you write self-help books as a scientist?” Whenever I hear this question, it’s hard for me to give a straight answer because my success as a writer and book publisher didn’t happen overnight. Twelve years down the road, it’s been a continuous process. When I wrote …

Keep an eye on the Process If You Want Lasting SuccessRead More »

We would not dream of allowing doctors or pilots to do their work without formal training related to their major work activities, yet this is exactly the situation regarding teaching in higher education in most of our universities today. Lecturers tend to be employed based on their academic ability but we all know that some …

Should university lecturers present a teaching certificate as part of their contractile employment?Read More »

Happy Ascension Day! It looks like I’m always late with my wishes. In this case, it was intentional. I had to wait for today to share with you an important principle on the world’s “most-unpopular” word called, Wait! What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “Wait”? · Maybe you are …

The World’s “Most Unpopular” Word. Wait!Read More »

The greatest tragedy in the world today is not war, terrorism, terminal diseases, global warming, hurricanes, earthquakes, domestic violence, corruption, or economic crises. It is irresponsibility. There is nothing in the world as destructive as life without purpose.  It is the cause of all the problems we face in our communities, families, businesses, churches, and …

What do you have in your hands?Read More »

Live updates on Covid-19 reveals that over 1.8 million people have already died of COVID-19 since January 2020 to this present day, 31st December 2021. There is no doubt that a greater percentage of these people sat down in December 2019  and pondered on some goals, resolutions and plans for 2020. Sadly, dead took them …

Hey! I Can See You Setting Your Goals For 2021 .Read This Before You Proceed!( 7 minutes read)Read More »

                                                          We’ve all gone through some form of suffering—be it emotional, psychological, health wise or economic suffering. Does God just sit at the sidelines and watch you languish in pain without taking any action? The answer is no: His ways are not our ways. The good news is that if God allows suffering to come …

See what happens when you sufferRead More »

In the late 2000s, the world was transformed into a global village. We could access information on every conceivable subject, anytime and anywhere a mouse-click away. This dramatic innovation demanded skills related to information technology.  We live in the information age when the world is in demand for people who can ▪ Access information  ▪ …

5 Life Skills for Tomorrow’s JobsRead More »