Want to Know How to Start your Lesson Today?

Imagine you walk into class as a teacher and begin your lesson by asking students to present their assignment.

Immediately, their tentacles are raised. Oops!   “We’re in trouble. This class must be a tense one.”

In another instance, you walk into class and begin your lesson by sluggishly introducing the topic and the objectives of the day’s  lesson.

Once again, your students perceive it is going to be a marathon lesson. 

As teachers, most of us miss opportunities of grabbing our students attention right from the start of the lesson.

If you are a teacher, let me share with you an icebreaker you should use today to start your lesson.

So what was trending last week?

What’s trending!

Donald Trump lost the election. Joe Biden is the new president elect. 

Start your lesson with this information and tweak it to suit your context.

For example:

  • If it is  Mathematics lesson, talk about mailing ballots and the electoral votes counts and  percentages.
  • If it is an English language lesson, talk about the words that were used often during this election process.
  • If it is a History lesson, ask students to narrate the entire election nostalgia.
  • If it is a Biology lesson, ask them to explain the impact of COVID-19 on the election process.
  • If it is a Bible study lesson, talk about the will of God in the electoral process.
  • If it is an Economics or Business study lesson, discuss briefly with your students how the outcome of the elections may  impact global economy.
  • If it is a staff briefing or a business meeting, talk about how to accept defeat when you lose a contest.

What do you want to teach your students today?

I don’t know the topic or subject you  wish to embark on this morning, afternoon or evening. All I know is that there is always something  in between the lines in every trending information.

Find it and make use of it.

Comment how you intend to use this breaking news to generate an icebreaker for today’s lesson. 

Wish you a great lesson now and always.



Author: Jini, is a prolific author and founder of Teachersletters Publishing Services. As an award winning teacher with a Cambridge International School in Doaula, he has 13+ years of teaching experience in writing, student-centered learning, bible teachers training and educational leadership. He is consider as one of the best keynote speakers of his time.

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