How to create quality content part 2

What is your purpose?

One question I’m often asked by potential content creators is this: “I love to create content but I do not know what to talk about. The internet is saturated with content in almost all subject areas. I fear running out of ideas in a short while. What should I do?”

To this, I often respond by inviting the content creator to answer this question:

What is your goal for creating content?

 Is it to make money, to entertain, to educate, or to enjoy the pleasure of having many views and followers on social media?

If your primary goal is to make money, step back and review your purpose before you begin.

The right goal should be: how can I help or inspire someone reading, watching, or listening to me out there? What problem could they be facing, and how can I meet their needs? Am I solving problems for people in my niche?

Quality content comes from a place of genuine service. Whenever money takes preeminence over the genuine desire to serve people, creating meaningful content becomes a nightmare.

You should approach content creation with the mindset of meeting a specific need. Overcome the pleasure of getting many views, likes, comments, shares, or followers on social media. 

Often, getting people to engage with your content takes time. When I started blogging, it took Google over a year to index my website. I thought it was a waste of time writing to an audience that wasn’t reading any of my posts. Suddenly, I started receiving comments from people all over the world appreciating and interacting with my content. I couldn’t believe it affected many eyeballs out of my reach.

As a beginner, be ready to come to terms with the fact that no one may read or engage with your content. You may have no views, no comments, or no subscribers. No one may even notice you exist.

But in reality, people view and interact with your content even without your notice. What you need is the right purpose and a humble spirit to find and nurture a non-paying audience.

In summary, do not jump into creating content with the lame purpose of making quick cash or gaining popularity. Your content should solve the problem of your target audience.

Content with purpose is useless.

If you have questions on how to find your content purpose, ask in the section comment below.

See you in part 3.

If you need content for non-fiction, reach us here


Author: Jini, is a prolific author and founder of Teachersletters Publishing Services. As an award winning teacher with a Cambridge International School in Doaula, he has 13+ years of teaching experience in writing, student-centered learning, bible teachers training and educational leadership. He is consider as one of the best keynote speakers of his time.

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