When it comes to grading project-based assessments, rubrics are matchless. A rubric guarantees fairness in assessments, and also provide learners an opportunity to work with an expectation in mind. There are two basic types of rubrics: Holistic and Analytic rubric. Holistic rubric is a one-dimensional rubric that focuses on the performance criteria with a score …

Create your Rubric in 5 Simple Steps: Design made easyRead More »

Before you glance at what I’m about to share with you today, let me table MY APOLOGIES: Here is why you haven’t heard from me for close to a month now: More than being an author and a freelance ghostwriter, I’m displaying the other side of me that laid dormant for close to eight months. …

The time to provide students with innovative learning opportunities is now.Read More »

We would not dream of allowing doctors or pilots to do their work without formal training related to their major work activities, yet this is exactly the situation regarding teaching in higher education in most of our universities today. Lecturers tend to be employed based on their academic ability but we all know that some …

Should university lecturers present a teaching certificate as part of their contractile employment?Read More »

Stepping into a new environment demands new expectations, new challenges and new things to learn. It doesn’t no matter how skilled you are as a teacher. It takes time to adapt comfortably into a new environment and culture . Coming from a different learning system and culture, I knew the stakes were high. The curriculum, …

My First 100 days as Science Teacher in American School of Douala.Read More »

The foundation of every great presentation starts with the quality of the content you offer. There is no other public speaking secret that outsmarts this primary goal. Every other skill is a subset of this factor. Your goal as a speaker should be to create quality content that your audience loves. In this blog-post, I …

Want to be a Brilliant speaker? Discover the Power of Offering Great ContentRead More »

Not everyone likes to read content that is boring or lengthy. Moreover, technology has made it worst by reducing our attention span to flashy social media posts, videos and images. Reading is an essential attribute of every lifelong learner. And when I talk of reading in this context, I am not referring to books for …

How to Read Fast and Gain Mastery without StressRead More »

Can you picture how Jesus interacted with his disciples during his sermons on the mountain? As a master Rabbi (teacher), he probably moved towards his audience regularly and spoke to them as friends. Likewise, in a student-centred lesson, it is imperative for you to use your body to deliver your lessons effectively. In this blog …

5 Simple Tips on How to Use Body Language in a Teaching Lesson.Read More »