Can you picture how Jesus interacted with his disciples during his sermons on the mountain?
As a master Rabbi (teacher), he probably moved towards his audience regularly and spoke to them as friends.
Likewise, in a student-centred lesson, it is imperative for you to use your body to deliver your lessons effectively.
In this blog post, I will share with you six simple body language tips to help you with your teaching lessons.
1. Drift your body constantly.

Students rarely connect to teachers who stay glued to a single spot throughout their lesson.
Drifting slightly from the lectern is ideal. You are not a statue. You are a teacher. So move your body. Your students need to feel what you feel and get involved in the learning process.
2. Converse, don’t present.
Use a conversational approach when teaching. This strategy makes you move your hands and body as you pass across your message.
You could even dramatize without creating a distraction.
3. Move closer to the students.
Get closer, but not too close. This creates a feeling of trust, honesty and acceptance.
Although some cultures resent very close interactions, students are more likely to connect with teachers who move closer to them when they teach.
4. Give 3-5 seconds eye-contacts to each learner.

When you aren’t prepared or unsure of what you are saying, it is hard to establish honest eye-contacts. You will bury your eyes into your notes and pray the clock runs fast so you can wrap up your lesson.
Eye-contacts follow facial expressions.
There is no justification for wearing a gloomy face when delivering a lesson. It deters the learners even if you are providing valuable information.
Keep aside every emotional luggage and put on a smile.
5. Use your voice well
The tone of your voice, the volume and the pace are all factors that can either make or mar your presentation.
A rule-of-thumb is to always check if everyone can hear you well, especially those seated at the back of the room. Ask. Do not assume.
There is no special training on how to use body language in a teaching lesson. The secret is effective preparation. If you know your content well, gestures will follow instinctively.
It is a combination of your voice, your body movements and your facial expression that communicates your message to the learners more than your words.
To your success,
Go teach like a pro!