How to write professional emails as a leader.

In the workplace, it doesn’t matter whether you are the top manager  or the janitor.  Your ability to write professional emails  can either make or mar your credibility.

I’ve learned a couple of skills from my boss on how he writes and responds to emails. And, truth be told, he isn’t even aware that I’m positively  influenced by his communication skills.

If you learn and implement these minor but significant tips I am going to share with you in this blog, you will be improve your communication skills by 10x.

Here are a few tips on how to scale up your workplace emails, especially as a leader.

Be clear, brief and concise.  

Vague and unclear emails are confusing. When you write an email, avoid using any language that will not be clearly understood by your recipient. Write as you though you were speaking to your recipient(s) face to face.

Tell your recipient the purpose of your email right from your begining sentences. Do not explain the context before stating the purpose. It bores the recipient in most cases. Right from the start of the email, tell the recipient why you are writing them. 

Manage your emailing frequency well

Unless emailing is your leading working tool, it is not advisable to send too many emails to coworkers in a single day. They’ll soon take your emails for granted.

Notwithstanding, you also have to create a regular emailing pattern that programs your recipients to anticipate an incoming mail from you at a specific day or time.

My boss always send important weekly updates via email every Sunday at 7- 8: 00 pm. We all are used to his pattern such that every Sunday evening we wait in anticipation to receive his message. He never misses sending an email at this time.  Most of us come to work knowing what he expects from us during the week. We don’t have to attend lengthy meetings to be briefed on what he already instructed us via email.  He is a great time saver!

Incoporate the purpose in the headline

In digital email marketing, I learned that your heading largely determines your Click through rate (CTR). That is, whether visitors will click to open the mail.

Similarly, when you write an email, choose the right words to address your headline. It should incorporate words that hints the purpose of your email. People need to understand what the mail is all about just by looking at the headline.

Use hyperlinks to declutter your email

Hyperlinks are easy to use. It makes your email short by decluttering lengthy information. As a leader, you need to use it and use it often. Instead of inserting links into your email, simply use a hyperlink to make it look professional.  

Once you open the compose mail window or box, highlight the section or word you wish to hyperlink. Then click the insert link icon below the email dashboard to paste the desired link. 

Double-check the recipients’ address. 

One of the downsides of emails is that, once sent, it cannot be deleted.  Therefore, verifying the recipients email adress before hitting the send button is paramount to your integrity as a leader. 

I remember sending a confidential email about a student to an entire school community comprising of parents, staff, and all the students. It did not occur to me that I had clicked the ” reply to all” icon. Fortunately, the email was written on a positive note, to which many students ignored after I sent a followed up message. It was a grievous mistake that I vowed never to send an email without double checking the recipients’ address. 

Read and reread the email before you send

Do not take for granted grammatical and typographical errors in your email. Always read and reread to be sure that the message is void of subtle errors.  You could use grammar check extensions to improve the quality of your emails. Grammarly or Pro-writingaid do not cost much these days. As a leader, invest on these grammar checking tools  to improve the quality of your emails. 

Make it visible and appealing to read

Leave white spaces between sentences and summarize information in bullet or numbered points.  As a rule of thumb, do not write an email in cap letters. 

Use bullet or numbered points so that recipients can understand your message easily. Stay away from long, windy emails. It bores the recipient.  

Stick to one “call to action”

Avoid sending a single email with  two different subjects.  When you ask for more than two calls for action in a single mail, expect one, or all to be ignored.  It is better to send two separate emails for two separate contexts so that recipients know exactly what is expected of them. 

Add some encouragement to your email. 

The tone of your email should appear friendly, not aggressive.  It is customary to begin your email with a warmth greeting to the recipient before stating the purpose of your  email. 

Use email signature

The truth is, people treat you the way you present yourself. Use your email signature to sell yourself  all the time because you never know what portion of your email signature can create opportunities for you. 


Profesional emails are an essential part in the business and cooperate world today. Although we have not explored the gimmicks of email marketing, as a leader, you need to learn the basics of writing outstanding emails so as to grow your influence in the workplace or marketplace.

If you wish to learn more about impactful communication skills through writing, do not hesitate to get in touch with us in the contact section below.

Author: Jini, is a prolific author and founder of Teachersletters Publishing Services. As an award winning teacher with a Cambridge International School in Doaula, he has 13+ years of teaching experience in writing, student-centered learning, bible teachers training and educational leadership. He is consider as one of the best keynote speakers of his time.

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